Under The Waves


Crew Member
Platinum Trophy

release: 29 augustus 2023
genre: narrative adventure
dev: Parallel Studio

Met medewerking van Quantic Dream.

Set in the depths of the North Sea in a techno-futuristic 1970s, professional diver Stan is struggling to overcome a life-changing loss and embrace a new future. The isolation of the deep sea is a fitting manifestation of his state of mind, and as Stan retreads further into his self-imposed solitude, he starts to experience strange events far beneath the waves. He will eventually have to make a difficult choice...

A love letter to the oceans, Under The Waves invites you to dive into a gorgeous underwater world, brought to life in a poetic blend of cinematic visuals and poignant storytelling. Wander the vast seabed piloting Stan’s submarine and encounter the beautiful wildlife. Explore caves, wrecks, and underwater plants with Stan’s special wetsuit, following the mysterious manifestations of his memories, to find a way back to the surface and save his life. Collect materials and craft equipment that will help Stan navigate further on this self-discovery expedition.

Mooie launch trailer. Dit lijkt ook iets voor mij wegens de storytelling. :D
Meteen maar op mijn wishlist geplaatst
Hier juist het prille begin gespeeld en direct goeie vibes. Deze game draait echt om inleving in het personage. Benieuwd naar meer!