Where Winds Meet


Crew Member
Platinum Trophy

release: TBA
genre: action RPG, open-world
dev: Everstone Studio, NetEase Games

China in de 10de eeuw.

Where Winds Meet is an interactive open world game featuring action, adventure, and martial arts developed by Everstone Games.

It takes place during the twilight of the Ten Kingdoms, the very era when an entire dynasty could crumble in a blink of an eye. The melody of “The Beautiful Lady Yu” heralded the end of the road for the last emperor of the Southern Tang Dynasty. Li Yu ruled the world as the emperor but was better known as the Immortal King of Poetry. It was his love for poetry, not power, that eventually lost him the war and saw him become a prisoner of Song. During the three years of incarceration, Li yearned for his country and lover incessantly. After realizing his fate lay in a cup of poisoned wine, he turned those longings into the masterpiece called “The Beautiful Lady Yu.”

As a swordsman, the player has grown up amid this era of war and conflict and must face the many tough choices in a swordsman’s destiny, as division and unrest are about to come to an end on the stage of the Northern Song Dynasty. Facing the unknown paths ahead where blood and swords are intertwined, what will the player choose?—follow his heart and mind and fight for justice: or choose to safeguard the empire with the inevitable consequence that his kind, swordsmen, will fade from prominence and prosperity; or will he choose to protect the innocent by sticking to the moral code of chivalry imbued since childhood, and use his martial skills against laws and rules till death?
