Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing In Disguise

Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing In Disguise


Crew Member
Platinum Trophy

release: 10 juli 2020
genre: action-adventure
dev: Marvelous Inc.

Deel prequel, deels sequel.

The story takes place in present-day Boston where it turns out FBI Special Agent Francis York Morgan will have to revisit a case he thought was solved in 2005. Through unique storytelling, venture back in time to the American town Le Carre, Louisiana, and uncover the mysteries buried within this once peaceful town.

Follow Agents Davis and Jones as they begin a new investigation into the Le Carre serial murders. Through the memories of a former FBI agent, go back in time to Le Carré and step into the role of Special Agent York to begin unraveling the mystery.

Geen muis+toetsenbord ondersteuning, geen grafische opties...lijkt weer een geweldige Swery port te zijn :tongue: Zelf al uitgespeeld op Switch dus ik geef het maar mee voor de geïnteresseerden.