

Crew Member
Platinum Trophy

release: 8 mei 2024
genre: adventure, platformer
dev: Odd Meter

Heel trippy. Over de vriendschap tussen een non en de duivel, geïnspireerd door de romans van Dostojevski en Boelgakov.

INDIKA is a third-person, story-driven game set in a strange world where religious visions clash with harsh reality. It tells the story of a young nun who sets off on a journey of self-discovery with the most unusual, horn-headed companion by her side.

On the outside, Indika seems to be a typical nun attempting to adjust to a difficult and monotonous monastery life. Humble and innocent in her appearance, do not be deceived as this young girl has also made a highly unlikely acquaintance—as she speaks with the devil himself.

Indika’s unusual connection with the Evil One leads her on an errand beyond the safe walls of the monastery. The world she discovers can only be described as a wild combination of comedy and tragedy straight out of the novels by Dostoyevski and Bulhakov.

The subjects of religion and authority are prevalent throughout Indika’s journey and she’ll be faced with many questions along the way. Guide her to find the answers one by one before she can finish her life-defining odyssey.

Een deel van de opbrengst zal aan hulporganisaties worden geschonken.

The working relationship between Odd Meter and 11 bit studios was long underway when Russia’s unjust invasion of Ukraine took place. These horrific events put both the developer and the publisher in a difficult situation with a complicated path forward.

“Even before our country started the war, we walked a fine line working with topics that can get someone criminal prosecution in Russia. After February 24, things were complicated even further as staying in Russia became both physically scary and, more importantly, morally difficult, so we decided to leave for another country,” states Dmitry Svetlow, Game Director and Founder at Odd Meter. “Nowadays, it has become especially obvious how relevant the topics raised in our game are. Many problems of today's Russia lie in the socio-political infantilism that has been hammered into its citizens over the centuries: humility, obedience, and patience are the main virtues imposed by our orthodox culture. So it’s not surprising that institutions such as the Russian Orthodox Church have recently become one of the primary weapons of propaganda, calling on parishioners to die for their homeland, and preaching a monstrous indifference to one's own and other people's lives.”

With the decision made, Odd Meter’s entire 16-person team uprooted their lives and moved to Kazakhstan.

“Such a dehumanizing war shows that our desire to see the world as a free, civilized place is still brittle, and sadly, many people's lives still precariously balance on military whims. We at 11 bit knew we couldn’t measure our ongoing cooperation with Odd Meter merely due to the studio’s origins,” states Rufus Kubica, Product Management Lead at 11 bit studios. “As the team decided to leave Russia and move to Kazakhstan, we gave them all the time they needed to put their private and professional lives back on track. Development deadlines could be postponed, and we needed to put a ton of new effort into paperwork. But most importantly, we didn’t interfere with the game content, its theme, or the story that bravely touches on topics that are almost entirely absent from games up to now. With its artistic value at stake, any sort of censorship would imply our lack of confidence – and we wholeheartedly believe in Odd Meter's efforts to craft a mind-boggling, one-of-a-kind, meaningful experience. We can't wait for our community to play INDIKA and be mind-blown with us”.

INDIKA is headed for a launch in 2024 for PC and consoles.
As deeds are valued over words, part of the revenue from INDIKA will be donated to help children affected by the war in Ukraine.

Blijkbaar al vanaf 2 mei op Steam te koop/speelbaar. Zijn er mensen die hem al hebben gespeeld? Staat op mijn wishlist en heb een aantal reviews gelezen/bekeken. Zou zeer kort (2-3u) zijn en meer 'voor de ervaring'.

Iemand idee wanneer PS5 release?
Heb hem gekocht en ik speel hem enkel als mijn maat online is omdat hij dan meekijkt :).

Zoals de meeste reviews al aangeven is deze echt... vreemd en zeker niet voor iedereen.
Het spel wisselt constant af tussen een third person walking sim/puzzel game met daartussen pixel art levels die flashbacks uit het leven van Indika tonen.

Ik ben nu niet direkt weggeblazen van de gameplay of het verhaal in deze.
Vooral speel ik het voor de vreemde atmosfeer en omdat je nooit weet wat er gaat gebeuren lol.
De third person graphics zijn vrij goed, maar vooral de pixel art levels zijn wel mooi gemaakt.
Het is zeker geen moeilijke game, maar ik heb al wel enkele stukken gehad dat ik paar keer opnieuw heb moeten doen omdat sommige platforming echt perfecte timing vereisen.

Het is eens iets anders, en ik zou het max een 7/10 geven.
Als je niet weet wat spelen en je wil eens iets spelen dat je niet direkt met iets anders kan vergelijken dan zou ik het wel zeker een kans geven.

Nog vergeten melden dat de narrator wel heel goed is.
Ik krijg met momenten The Stanley Parable vibes!